Statement by the head of delegation of the People's Republic of Bulgaria
This statement presented by the head of delegation of the people’s Republic of Bulgaria. The representative points out on his statement: the People's Republic of Bulgaria has constantly carried out the policy giving all-round ...
Déclaration faite par le Chef de la délégation belge à la septième session de la Commission
Ce document présente une déclaration faite par le Chef de la délégation belge à la septième session de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique. Dans son allocution, le chef a noté que l’Afrique occupe de loin la première ...
Statement by Mr. Miguel S. Wionczek, Mexico's representative at the seventh session of the Economic Commission for Africa
This statement presented by Miguel S. Wionczek, representative of Mexico at the seventh session of the Economic Commission for Africa. The representative on his statement outlines that the economic and social progress ...
Statement by the Executive Secretary at the opening of the fourth session of the Economic Commission for Africa
This is a statement by the Executive Secretary at the opening of the fourth session of the Economic Commission for Africa
Speech by V.S. Lavrov, head of the Soviet delegation of observers at the Seventh session of the ECA
This speech presented by V. S. Lavrov, head of the Soviet delegation of observers at the seventh session of the commission. The representative on his speech outlines that the Soviet delegation resolutely supports the demands ...
Statement made by Lij Endalkachew Mekonnen leader of the Ethiopian delegation to the Seventh session of the Economic Commission for Africa
This statement presented by Li Endalkachew Mekonen to the seventh session of the Economic Commission for Africa, the representative of Ethiopian delegation points out the seventh session of the Economic Commission for ...
La zone de libre-échange tripartite et la zone de libre-échange continentale africaine: bien-fondé de la consolidation
La présente note d’orientation contient un examen des dispositions principales de l’Accord de libre-échange tripartite et de l’Accord portant création de la ZLECA. L’examen fera ressortir qu’un certain nombre d’éléments ...
Statement made by the head of the delegation of Hungary
This statement presented and made by the head of the delegation of Hungary. The representative points out that appreciate the work of ECA which has made headway so far in many important fields as compared with the past and ...
Carlos Lopes salue la marche vers une libre circulation en Afrique centrale
La Commission Economique des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique (CEA) a salué la décision des dirigeants de la Communauté économique et monétaire d’Afrique centrale de procéder à la levée, avec effet immédiat, des restrictions ...
Statement by H.E. Mr. Gyan Chandra Acharya at the Africa ten-year regional review meeting of the almaty programme of action: Under-Secretary-General and High Representativefor the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States at the Africa ten year Regional Review Meeting of the Almaty Programme of Action
Statement by H.E. Mr. Gyan Chandra Acharya at the Africa 10-Year Regional Review Meeting of the Almaty Programme of Action. Mr. Acharya, on his statement pointed out that, The Almaty Programme of Action adopted in 2003 ...