Application of smart technology for seamless borders: facilitation solutions along trans-African highways and railways : policy brief
The appellation “smart” describes the objectives and characteristics of integrated electronic technology systems that permit the seamless processing and transfer of information to multiple receivers within a controlled ...
Policy brief: Kenya’s national AfCFTA implementation strategy 2022 - 2027
This Strategy is to leverage deeper integration within the framework of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) to facilitate an expansion of Kenya’s trade and investment in Africa, support structural transformation ...
Développement des systèmes de transport intermodal en Afrique : |bnote d’orientation de la CEA
Les pratiques de transport et de logistique automatisées et intelligentes, qui ont déjà tendance à avoir une incidence positive sur l’environnement en optimisant les opérations de transport et de logistique, devraient donc ...
Development of the pharmaceutical industry in Africa
The regional economic communities and the Agreement Establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area provide suitable regional integration frameworks for coordinating the development of the pharmaceutical sector. ...
Development of roadside stations
Roadside stations have long existed to provide various services to travelers using long distance roads. In Africa, few roadside services are provided in a formal, organized manner. Fuel stations, which are often found in ...
Development of intermodal transport systems in Africa
Inter-modal transport system can involve a combination of two or more modes of transport in a transportation chain used to deliver cargo from its origin to its destination. Inland container depots are often developed as ...
La libre circulation des personnes au service du commerce : accélérer la ratification du Protocole au Traité instituant la Communauté économique africaine relatif à la libre circulation des personnes,au droit de résidence et au droit d’établissement, en appui à la mise en oeuvre de la Zone de libre-échange continentale africaine:document de recherche sur les politiques
La liberté de circulation des personnes est un des objectifs fondamentaux des programmes d’intégration continentale et régionale de l’Afrique, au cœur du développement de l’Afrique. La libéralisation de la circulation des ...
Free movement of persons for trade: towards an accelerated ratification of the African Union Protocol to the Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community Relating to Free Movement of Persons, Right of Residence and Right of Establishment, in support of the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area :Policy research paper
Freedom of movement of persons has been a fundamental objective of African continental and regional integration agendas, central to the development of Africa. The liberalization of movement of people on the continent carries ...