Compte rendu analytique provisoire de la cent trente deuxième séance
Les rapports des quatre reunions sous-régionales sur la coopération
economique temoignent de l'utilité des travaux entrepris par la CEA dans ce domaine.
Leadership baton changes hands at ECA as Janneh retires ECA
The staff and management of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) await their new Under Secretary-General and Executive Secretary following the retirement of Abdoulie Janneh at the end of August 2012 after ...
ECA to hold trade facilitation symposium in Bali
The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) is partnering with TRALAC (Trade Law Centre for Southern Africa) to organize a session at the Trade and Development Symposium, a parallel event organized by ICTSD (International ...
Prise en compte de l'intégration régionale au niveau national
Pour réussir, les initiatives d'intégration régionale doivent s’accompagner d’une gestion publique de qualité et de mesures d’application au niveau national. Sans une volonté ferme de mise en oeuvre au niveau national, il ...
Mission report on the COMESA workshop on regional integration network : Project phase II
The Workshop to launch Phase II of the Research Project and Regional Integration which was held in Lusaka from 8-9 February, 1999 was convened as a follow-up to Phase I of the Research Network Project financed by the ...
Statement by the head of delegation of the People's Republic of Bulgaria
This statement presented by the head of delegation of the people’s Republic of Bulgaria. The representative points out on his statement: the People's Republic of Bulgaria has constantly carried out the policy giving all-round ...
Macro-economic convergence in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) : with special emphasis on monetary and financial integration
The goals of most economic management strategies and policies are to influence major economic variables, especially, output, employment, and price stability. Accordingly, a strategy for macroeconomic convergence in the ...
Interregional economic and technical cooperation: executive summary
These documents contain not only the strategies that African countries have adopted for their socio economic development up to the year 2000, but also the philosophy for that growth and development.
Back to office report on mission to New Delhi,India, participation in conference on understanding contemporary Africa : India and South-South cooperation
This paper contains information on the Back to office report on mission to New Delhi,India, participation in conference on understanding contemporary Africa : India and South-South cooperation.