Foreign trade statics of Africa=Statistiques Africaines du commerce extérieur : no. 9 series B trade by commodity
This issue of series B provides a complete geographical breakdown for each country for which data are available. The items shown are based on data furnished by reporting individual countries and territories in the form of ...
Foreign trade statistics of Africa = Statistiques Africaines du commerce extérieur: trade by commodity = echanges par produits
In the fifth issue of series B, the following two new tables have been included and the summaries appearing at the beginning of the tables for each reporting country have been discontinued. Series B Trade by commodity is ...
Foreign trade statistics of Africa = Statistiques Africaines du commerce extérieur: series B trade by commodity=series B echanges par produits
Foreign trade statistics of Africa Series B is provides a complete geographical breakdown for country which data are available. The geographical classification scheme is shown at end of publication. The item shown are based ...
Foreign trade statistics for Africa = Statistiques Africaines du commerce extérieur: trade by commodity=échanges par produits
Series B,“ Trade by Commodity'', is a companion of series A.” Direction of Trade'', and provides cumulative yearly data on African commodity trade according to the "Standard International Trade Classification (SITC), revised ...