Compte rendu analytique provisoire de la cent trente deuxième séance
Les rapports des quatre reunions sous-régionales sur la coopération
economique temoignent de l'utilité des travaux entrepris par la CEA dans ce domaine.
Statement by the head of delegation of the People's Republic of Bulgaria
This statement presented by the head of delegation of the people’s Republic of Bulgaria. The representative points out on his statement: the People's Republic of Bulgaria has constantly carried out the policy giving all-round ...
Report on the Economic Commission for Africa technical co-operation : report by the executive secretary
The Report of the Executive Secretary to the Sixth Session on the subject of technical assistance laid emphasis on the progress of decentralization to the secretariat of substantive and administrative responsibility for ...
Note on UNCTAD II and its consequences for Africa
The first session of UNCTAD was widely thought to have laid down a number of important new principles on the basis of which detailed measures for a new international economic system could be worked out.
These measures ...
Seventh pledging Conference for the United Nations Trust Fund for African Development (UNTFAD) : progress report on the utilization of UNTFAD resources in 1988 and 1989
During the period 1933-198S UNTFAD resources utilized to finance project activities amounted to $US 1,900,270 from the balance of prior year contributions, from the payments effected in 1987 and 1983 and from part of the ...
Statement made by Mr. Victor Hoo : commissioner for technical co-operation at the eights session of the Economic commission for Africa held in Lagos, Nigeria, From 13 - 25 February 1967
This paper Statement made by Mr. Victor Hoo : commissioner for technical co-operation at the eights session of the Economic commission for Africa held in Lagos, Nigeria, From 13 - 25 February 1967.
Interregional economic and technical cooperation: executive summary
These documents contain not only the strategies that African countries have adopted for their socio economic development up to the year 2000, but also the philosophy for that growth and development.
Rapport de la réunion mixte de la CEA et de l'OUA sur les télécommunicaitons en Afrique
La réunion sur les télécommunications en Afrique, organisée sous les auspices de la Commission économique pour l'Afrique et de l'Organisation de l'unité africaine, conformément a leurs résolutions. La réunion avait un ...
Rapport de la réunion sous-régionale Nord-Africaine
Le présent rapport a été approuve par 1a réunion a sa séance du 16 février 1965. La réunion donne son plein appui à la création du centre de documentation du bureau sous régional et demande à tous les services intéresses ...
Report of the twentieth meeting of the technical preparatory committee of the whole/ninth meeting of the intergovernmental committee of experts
The twentieth meeting of the Technical Preparatory Committee of the Whole (TEPCOW)/Ninth meeting of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts was held in Algiers, Algeria, from 2 to 7 May 2001. The meeting was formally opened ...