La centre africain de recherche et de formation pour la femme : CARFF
La réunion du Comité avait ente précédée de la première réunion de la Conférence des ministres des pays africains les moins avances tenue à Addls-Abeba l'année précédente et de la Conférence des Nations Unies sur les pays ...
Le role des femmes et le processus de paix : les perspectives en ce qui concerne l'Afrique
La visibilité et la participation sans cesse croissante des femmes du monde aux différents forums internationaux de cette décennie - Rio (1992), Vienne (1993), Cairo (1994), Copenhague (1995) et Beijing (1995) ont été 1es ...
Femme africaine dans le secteur public : situation et stratégies de promotion
Le principe de l'égalité entre l'homme et la femme tel que stipule dans la Charte des Nations Unies, la majorité des Constitutions nationales et les multiples instruments juridiques tels que la "Déclaration relative aux ...
Gender focus group meeting (GDFG)
Over 50 women and men have met, starting with the Civil Society Organization (CSO) Meeting on Saturday, 2nd December in Conference Room Two. The meetings are held each morning at 8:00 a.m. at the Press Bar and each evening, ...
La teinturerie artisanale des tissus dans la ville de Lubumbashi: région du Shaba - République du Zaïre
La présente étude sur le projet de teinturerie artisanale des tissus réalisée dans la ville de Lubumbashi, répond au besoin exprime par le Département de la condition féminine et des affaires sociales de la République du ...
Task brief : Monitoring and evaluation programme of the African plan of action to accelerate the implementation of the Dakar and Beijing platforms for action 2000-2004
Policy framework into government policies, programmes and structures. To obtain baseline data, it will focus on evaluating the status of women 10 years since the adoption of the Dakar and Beijing Platforms for Action and ...
Action on gender equaliy , empowerment and ending violence against womenin Africa : a concept note
Africa’s economic performance since 1999 has been quite impressive, especially when compared with the negative gross domestic product (GDP) growth trends of the late 1980s and early 1990s. The region’s average annual GDP ...
Statement by Mr. Carlos Lopes, 24th Ordinary Session of the African Union Executive Council
This document focuses about the young cattle herder at the foot of the Kilimanjaro, Africans rely on agriculture as their primary source of livelihood. The majority of African farmers have not benefited from initiatives ...
ECA and Africa: fifty years of partnership
When ECA was founded in 1958, Africa was at a crossroads. African countries were just beginning to attain independence and there were great expectations and aspirations for the establishment of capable nation-states that ...
The missions of the African centre for women 1997-1999
In 1994, ATRCW officially took the name African Centre for Women (ACW) and became an integral regional body of the United Nations in Africa "for integration of women into development". Being an integral part of ECA, it ...