Renewing ECA to serve Africa better: a framework for partnership
The case for the renewal is compelling. African countries are in the midst of multiple transitions — from state-dominated to free-market oriented economies,from autocracy to democracy and, in some cases, from conflict to ...
African gender and development index : South African report
The African Gender and Development Index (AGDI) aims to be a measurement and a monitoring mechanism of governments' progress towards achieving gender equality in Africa. It seeks to be an African index by addressing a range ...
Former des partenariats pour l'avenir de l'Afrique : notice pour une CEA renouvelée
Le présent prospectus traite de certains des enjeux et de certaines des possibilités les plus critiques pour l'Afrique: concevoir et mettre en œuvre des politiques économiques et sociales pour lutter contre la pauvreté; ...
Forging partnerships for Africa's future: a prospectus for a renewed ECA
This prospectus covers some of Africa's most critical development challenges and opportunities: designing and implementing economic and social policies to alleviate poverty; expanding inter-regional trade and integrating ...
African women in development
The paper contains a selection of speeches on the subject
of women in development from 1977 to 1989 delivered
by the ECA Executive Secretary, Professor Adebayo Adedeji. The speech provided first historical perspectives
on ...
Appropriate technology for African women
The purpose of economic development is evident. It is to provide
people3 who currently do not have such things, with an adequate food
supply, adequate clothing and housing, and access to "basic services such
as water, ...
African platform for action: African common position for the advancement of women: adopted at the Fifth African Regional Conference on Women, Dakar, Senegal 16 - 23 November 1994
The African Platform for Action is a synthesis of regional perspectives and priorities as well as a framework for action for the formulation of policies and implementation of concrete and sustainable programs for the ...
A manual on: gender and gender mainstreaming
A recent study carried out to assess the gender responsiveness/sensitivity in RCA programs and among its staff, included a needs assessment. One of the needs identified was that of gender training within the Commission. ...
Patterns, causes and consequences for development planning of female migration in selected ECA member states
This paper focuses on the patterns, trends, causes and consequences of female migration in Africa, by presenting a general review as well as a case study of Lesotho, Namibia and Zimbabwe.
Perspectives on Africa's development
The speeches collected in this volume reflect the hope that Africans can justifiably feel, as painful economic and political reforms begin to pay off in higher rates of economic growth, improved living standards and more ...