Women and the industrial development decade in Africa
The purpose of the United Nations Industrial Development Decade for Africa is to promote the development of industrialized African economies capable of generating internally self-sustained economic development by each ...
Law and the status of women in Tanzania
Tanzanian women are faced by many tasks in national development. With the exception of their traditional tasks the new tasks require a revolutionary change in all spheres of life and they require a truly liberated women ...
Women and the fishing industry in Liberia : measures of women's participation
This study represents an attempt to measure the extent of participation of women in development. It approaches this through
a case study of women in the fishing industry in Liberia's concentrating on their participation ...
Women, planning and policy in Malawi
This document focuses on the study of women, planning and policy in Malawi. This study describes some features basic to an understanding of Malawi’s economy and more specifically of the role of women in society, looks ...
A socio-economic overview : Zimbabwe women
The African Training and Research Centre for Women is publishing this study to Increase the information available on women In Zimbabwe and to serve as a baseline guide for the deve1opment of policies and programmes. This ...