Traditional palm oil processing women's role and the application of appropriate technology
This study documents the role of women in the traditional palm oil processing industry in Sierra Leone, the Ivory Coast and the United Republic of Cameroon and examines attendant problems and difficulties women producers ...
Law and the status of women in Ghana
This report analyzes the position and status of Ghanaian women under the law. The Ghanaian legal system includes a number of laws passed by the colonial legislature, which remain on the statute books, laws passed since ...
Law and the status of women in Nigeria
The role or rights of women in any society depend on the status accorded them by that society. In Nigeria, some informants hold the opinion that women spend their whole lives under male dominance, submitting first to the ...
The critical needs of African women and appropriate strategies in the frameworkof the Gisnyi and Lusaka MULPOC
The purpose of this study is to highlight the critical needs of African women in the interrelated field of education health and employment with a view of the strategies and action of the first half of the United Nations ...
Women and co-operatives: Egypt, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and the Sudan
Women in Africa have always participated in economic activities and in the production of articles for household consumption. They are involved in income preservation and income generation activities from preservation and ...
Training and employment opportunities for out-of-school girls in Dar es Salaam
The purpose of this paper is to examine various programmes designed in the United Republic of Tanzania to assist out-of-school youths, and more specifically, girls, in acquiring skills through non-formal educational. ...