Topical issue on promoting the advancement of African women(gender and PRSP) : Gender mainstreaming in national poverty reduction strategies (2001-2005)
The objective of this background paper which was submitted to the Committee on Women and Development (CWD) is to reflect ECA's stance and comparative advantage on mainstreaming gender as a development goal, into the Poverty ...
Mettre un terme à la violence contre les femmes en Afrique : document de synthèse
La violence à l'égard des femmes est définie dans la Déclaration des Nations Unies sur l'élimination de la violence à l'égard des femmes comme étant n'importe quel « acte de violence dirigé contre le sexe féminin et causant ...
African gender and development index : South African report
The African Gender and Development Index (AGDI) aims to be a measurement and a monitoring mechanism of governments' progress towards achieving gender equality in Africa. It seeks to be an African index by addressing a range ...
African gender and development index : Uganda's experience
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), in its mandate to evaluate and report progress on the implementation of global and regional Platforms for Africa on the advancement for women, embarked on the process ...
Science and technology for development : outcome and recommended actions of the conference on science with Africa
This document contains information on the Science and technology for development, outcome and recommended actions of the conference on science with Africa, of the First Joint Annual Meetings of
the AU Conference of Ministers ...
Gender responsive budgeting in the context of poverty reduction and budgetary reform
These sets of guidelines are for use by all the actors involved in the policy and budgetary processes. This means the process of linking policy with planning, with budget preparation and execution, with monitoring and ...
Proposed programme of work for the biennium 2004-2005
This document is a Proposed programme of work for the biennium 2004-2005, for the Twenty-second meeting of the Committee of Experts Thirty-sixth session of the Commission/Conference
of the Conference of African Ministers ...
Report of the mission to Morocco and Botswana: Training Workshops on Monitoring and Evaluation, May - June 2002
Mainstreaming gender in all government policies, plans and programmes through the formulation and implementation of sound national gender policy frameworks is considered the most effective strategy or achieving the objectives ...
Résumé des activités du centre Africain Pour l'équité en genre et le développement durant la période 2001-2003
Au cours de la période considérée, le centre africain pour l'équité en genre et le développement a mené un certain nombre d'activités au profit des Etats membres de la Commission économique pour l'Afrique (CEA), mais aussi ...
Gender earnings differentials and power: some African evidencce
We examine a micro-data set from the Ghana Household Worker Survey (GHWS) to address two questions: what informs the observed occupational segregation in the informal labor market and what explains the earnings differential ...