Report of the expert group meeting on guidelines for the incorporation of women's concern in national development plans
The paper outlined some important pre-requisites for effective implementation of women in development programmes by national women’s machineries. These included political commitment the location of the machinery its linkages ...
Report on the ECA programme for the integration of women in development : April 1988-March 1989
The present report was prepared pursuant to resolution365(XIV)by which the ECA conference of ministers established a mechanism to harmonize and coordinate programmes for the integration of women in the development process ...
Information needs and resources on women in Africa
The purpose of the mission was to obtain profiles both of information provision and of information needs on women and development in order to obtain some indication of the situation on the region as a whole. This document ...
African gender index 2023 analytical report: African women in times of crisis
The Africa Gender Index (AGI) is an authoritative source of data on gender equality and women’s empowerment in Africa. It draws together statistics from all 54 African countries across three dimensions (economic, social ...
Concerns and issues of women entrepreneurship development and women access to credit
Africa's priority programme for the 80's and 90's is economic recovery and development. An essential element to be considered in this recovery and development programme is an improved and increased performance in the ...
Changing socio-economic condition of women in Africa in the context of the Nairobi Forward-looking Strategies
since the Nairobi conference (July 1985) and the adoption of the Nairobi forward-looking strategies by the United Nations General Assembly the world and African region in particular has witnessed an unprecedented increase ...
African women in development : selected statements
The issue of Women in African development has been a permanent item on the agenda of United Nations Economic Commission for African(ECA) since 197.This is recognitions of the fact that virtue of their constituting more ...
Aide mémoire: fourth meeting of the subregional committee on integration of women in development
The subregional committee on integration of women in development originated from a resolution by the regional conference on the implementation of National regional and world plan of action for the integration of women in ...
Report to the Africa regional coordinating committee for the integration of women in development on the meeting of board of trustees of the international research and training institute for the advancement of women and the development fund for women
The Ninth Session of the Board of Trustees Of the United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW) was held at the Institute's headquarters in Santo Domingo from 20 to 24 ...
Report to the Africa Regional Coordinating Committee for integration of women in development on the meeting of broad of trustees of the international research and training institute for the advancement of women and development fund for women
The Ninth Session of the Board of Trustees of the United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of women (INSTRAW) was held at the Institute's headquarters in Santo Domingo from 20 to ...