Report : subregional follow-up meeting on the Implementation of the African Platform for Action-North Africa
The West African Sub regional follow-up meeting on the implementation of national Plans of Action was held in Dakar, from 25 to 27 November 1997. It was organized by the African Center for Women (ACW) of the Economic ...
Journée internationale de la femme
La Journée internationale de la femme a été lancée pour la première fois par Clara Zetkin, représentante de la Conférence des femmes socialistes qui s'est tenue a Copenhague en 1910, l'aube d'une période de grandes mutations ...
Themes prioritaires: paix: les femmes dans le processus de paix
La Commission de la condition de la femme, a sa trente-quatrième session en 1990, a choisi les femmes dans le processus de paix comme un des thèmes prioritaires dans le domaine de la paix a examiner a sa trente-septième ...
Suivi de l'application des strategies prospectives d'action de Nairobi pour la promotion de la femme
Dans sa résolution 1992/20 sur la promotion de la femme et les droits de l'homme, le Conseil économique et social a prié la Division de la promotion de la femme, en sa qualité de secrétariat de la Commission de la condition ...
Concerns and issues of women entrepreneurship development and women access to credit
Africa's priority programme for the 80's and 90's is economic recovery and development. An essential element to be considered in this recovery and development programme is an improved and increased performance in the ...
Comparative study of national laws on the rights and status of women in Africa
The study analyses on a comparative basis the national legislation of African countries (on which materials have been available) in order to depict a legal status of African women., For the purpose of this paper the author ...
Note on implementation of the Abuja declaration: participatory development: the role of women in Africa in the 1990s
The fourth regional conference on the integration of women in development on the implementation of the Arusha strategies on the advancement of women held in Abuja federal republic of Nigeria 6-10 November 1989 adopted at ...
Report to the Africa Regional Coordinating Committee for the integration of women in development (ARCC) on the meeting of the 35th session of the United Nations Commission on the status of women Vienna, 27 February -8 March 1991; 11th session of the board of trustees of the institute for advancement of women (INSTRAW) and the United Nations Development Fund for Women New York, 19 - 22 February 1991
The Commission on the Status of Women began its Thirty-Fifth Session on 27 February 1991 at Vienna. The Session was opened by the Under-Secretary General, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Vienna. The meeting ...