Developing African economies : the role of women: theme 1
Globalization is defined as a process through which finance, investment, production
and marketing are increasingly dominated by firms whose vision and actions are not
confined by national borders or national interests. ...
The UN and the gender dimension
Implementation of the Dakar/Ngor declaration and the ICPD-PA: an assessment of African experiences
This paper focuses on implementation of the Dakar/NGOR declaration and the ICPD-PA: an assessment of African experiences. And highlighted several constraints in key programme areas: creating and enabling environment; gender ...
Report on the AD-HOC experts group meeting on leadership forum on women and peace
The paper discussed, in particular, African women's peace efforts and peace initiatives, most of which had remained unpublicized and unrecognized, since women were rarely consulted or involved in decision-making matters ...
Projet de plate-forme d'action: position commune africaine pour la promotion de la femme
La présente Plate-forme d'action africaine a été élaborée a Tissue d'un examen dans les pays des progrès accomplis dans la région en ce qui concerne la mise en œuvre des Stratégies prospectives, et après de larges consultations ...
Survey on economic and social conditions in West Africa in 1998 and prospect for 1999
The SRDC-WA of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa is infinitely grateful to member States, IGOs and other development partners of West Africa, for placing at its disposal, the database used in preparing this ...
Former des partenariats pour l'avenir de l'Afrique : notice pour une CEA renouvelée
Le présent prospectus traite de certains des enjeux et de certaines des possibilités les plus critiques pour l'Afrique: concevoir et mettre en œuvre des politiques économiques et sociales pour lutter contre la pauvreté; ...