4th meeting of the west african subregional commettee for the integration of women in development: final report
The Fourth meeting of the Sub-Regional Committee for the integration of women in the Development process was held from 5 to 8 February 1985 at the Headquarters of the Togolese People Rally (Rassemblement du Peuple Togolais) ...
Rapport d'activités du Centre Africain de Recherche et de formation pour la Femme: avril 1984 - avril 1985
La cinquième réunion du CRAC adoptés six résolutions nui ont été approuvées par la neuvième session de la Conférence des ministres de la CEA tenue Addis-Abeba du 24 au 28 mai 1984. Ces résolutions lancent un appel aux Etats ...
Report of the fourth meeting of the subregional committee on integration of women in development (SRC), Blantyre, Malawi, 25 February - 1 march, 1985
The Fourth meeting of the subregional committee on Women in Development of the Lusaka-MULPOC subregion was from 25 February to 1st March 1985. The objectives of the Fourth meeting of the Subregion Committee were: to review ...
Report of the expert group meeting on guidelines for the incorporation of women's concern in national development plans
The paper outlined some important pre-requisites for effective implementation of women in development programmes by national women’s machineries. These included political commitment the location of the machinery its linkages ...
Report to the Africa regional coordinating committee for the integration of women in development on the meeting of board of trustees of the international research and training institute for the advancement of women and the development fund for women
The Ninth Session of the Board of Trustees Of the United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW) was held at the Institute's headquarters in Santo Domingo from 20 to 24 ...
Report to the Africa Regional Coordinating Committee for integration of women in development on the meeting of broad of trustees of the international research and training institute for the advancement of women and development fund for women
The Ninth Session of the Board of Trustees of the United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of women (INSTRAW) was held at the Institute's headquarters in Santo Domingo from 20 to ...