Mettre un terme à la violence contre les femmes en Afrique : document de synthèse
La violence à l'égard des femmes est définie dans la Déclaration des Nations Unies sur l'élimination de la violence à l'égard des femmes comme étant n'importe quel « acte de violence dirigé contre le sexe féminin et causant ...
Gender earnings differentials and power: some African evidencce
We examine a micro-data set from the Ghana Household Worker Survey (GHWS) to address two questions: what informs the observed occupational segregation in the informal labor market and what explains the earnings differential ...
Summary of the synthesis report
In 1995, the UN member States gathered in Beijing, China to add to the momentum started In Mexico City 20 years earlier, to drive women's agenda forward and underline the inseparable link between women's equality, empowerment ...
Terms of reference for the national advisory panels of the African gender and development index
African States have committed themselves to various international and national gender conventions such as the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. In most countries National Gender ...
Final report of the meeting of the bureau of the comittee on women and development
The Meeting of the renewed Bureau of the Committee on Women and Development (CWD) was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, at the United Nations Conference Center from 16-17 September 2003.the three major items of the agenda of ...
Instrument de suivi et d'évaluation des mécanismes institutionnels pour l'intégration du genre au niveau national
Le présent guide a été établi en vue d'accélérer les activités de suivi et d'évaluation des Etats membres concernant la mise en œuvre du Plan d'action africain. Il s'adresse d'abord aux responsables du suivi
et de ...
Proposed follow-up strategy for the implementation of the outcome and way forward of the decade review of the Beijing platform for action and of the solemn declaration on gender equality in Africa
The Follow-up Strategy also takes into account what the continent has achieved in the last decade, analyses the gaps and limitations that were identified in the Decade Review process and synthesizes the strategic interventions ...
Judicial application of human rights of women in Southern Africa with particular reference to non Discrimination
This paper is focuses on Judicial Application of Human Rights of Women in Southern Africa with particular reference to non-discrimination for presentation at seventh African regional conference on women: Decade review of ...
Final report on the Ad hoc Expert Group Meeting on a Conceptual Framework for Mainstreaming gender into National Accounts and National Budget
This paper focused on the final report on the Ad Hoc expert group meeting on a conceptual framework for mainstreaming gender into national accounts and national budget.
An overview of achievements and challenges in promoting gender equality and women's empowerment in Africa since the adoption of the Beijing Platform for action in 1995: draft
This paper deals with an overview of achievements and challenges in promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment in Africa since the adoption of the Beijing platform for action in 1995. The Platform for Action (BPFA) ...