Report of the international conference on African Women and Economic Development : investing in our future
This document focuses on the report of the international conference on “African women and economic development: investing in our future” held on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the economic commission for Africa. ...
Women and science-led development
The application of science and technology to development in Africa remains a major challenge even after numerous attempts to implement strategies (1, 2, 3) for the promotion of a science-led modernization
of all economic ...
Beijing +5 : what do natioanl plans of action contain for rural women
The Minister of Social Affairs and the Promotion of Women from Togo, Ms Tembé Ashira AISAH-ASSIH, officially opened the discussion forum. She stressed the need for particular attention to women living in rural areas, as ...
Participation of women in industry and commerce in African towns South of the Sahara
The document presents on the participation of women in urban commerce is mainly concerned with the retail trade inside and outside the markets. ' With the development of education, it is likely that not only junior staff ...
Violence against women: the case of Africa
The available research on violence against women allows to conclude that this problem is reality in African societies and families and that it is spreading. However, it is necessary to underline that the research of the ...
Report of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) on the progress made in the implementation of the Dakar and Beijing platforms for action
In the last five years, the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) through its African Centre for Women (ACW) initiated a number of activities within the framework of the implementation of the Dakar and Beijing Platforms for ...
The role of women in Nigeria
The emphasis of this conference is one the Role of Women in National Development. In most developing countries, great changes are taking place in every field of endeavour. These changes are most manifest in politics and ...
Women in national health
The oft-quoted saying, of Aggrey of Africa, "Educate man and you educate an individual; but educate woman and you educate whole nation", has particular relevance for the development of the health of a nation. The report ...
Final report of the meeting of the bureau of the comittee on women and development
The Meeting of the renewed Bureau of the Committee on Women and Development (CWD) was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, at the United Nations Conference Center from 16-17 September 2003.the three major items of the agenda of ...
Proposed follow-up strategy for the implementation of the outcome and way forward of the decade review of the Beijing platform for action and of the solemn declaration on gender equality in Africa
The Follow-up Strategy also takes into account what the continent has achieved in the last decade, analyses the gaps and limitations that were identified in the Decade Review process and synthesizes the strategic interventions ...