Report of the sixth meeting of the Africa Regional Co-ordinating Committee on the integration of women in development Addis Ababa Ethiopia 15-17 April 1985
The meeting had a role to play in the process of reviewing the problems and applauding the successes of the Decade. Some of the obstacles that still remained in women’s path in the Region included the exclusion of many of ...
Proposed programme of work and priorities for the biennium 1994 - 1995
The proposed program of work and priorities of the Economic Commission for Africa for the biennium 1994-1995 has been prepared within the framework of the revised Medium-term Plan for the period 1992-1997 adopted by the ...
International year of the child : (ECA and African Programme)
The paper deals about the General Assembly of the United Nations, by resolution 31/169,TU proclaimed 1979 the International Year of the Child (lYCK This resolution reflected the deep concern for the continuing plight of ...
Pledging conference for the United Nations Trust Fund for African Development (UNTFAD) : strengthing the operational capacity of ECA`s programme of tehchnical cooperation under UNTFAD
The United Nations Trust Fund for African Development (UNTFAD) was established in 1977 by the Secretary-General as a response to the request of African countries with a view to mobilizing additional
resources necessary ...
Résolution adoptée par la Conférence des Ministres
Les résolutions 3010 (XXVII) du 18 décembre 1972 et 3342 (XXIX) du 17 décembre 1974 de l’Assemble générale, les recommandations de la Conférence régionale sur l’éducation, la formation professionnelle et les possibilités ...
Report of the Ministers Meeting of the Committee on Women and Development (CWD)
This paper focuses on report of the ministers meeting of the committee on women and development (CWD). The meeting observed that the issue of integrating women's issues into the national economy is critical given that more ...
Report of the inagural session of the Africa regional co-operating committee for the integration of women in development (Rabat, 14-17 March 1979)
The inaugural session of the Africa Regional coordinating committee for the Integration of Oman in Development was sponsored by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, through the African Training end Research ...
Report of the second meeting of the Africa regional co-ordinating committee for the integration of women in development
This paper focuses on the second meeting of the Africa Regional co-ordinating Committee for the Integration of Women in development was held at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 12 to 14 March 1981 at the headquarters of the ...
Implementation in Africa of the convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination Against Women
The present document contains the information on the Implementation in Africa of the convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination Against Women, held at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from
13 - 20 April 1937.
Changing socio-economic conditions of women in African in the context of the Nairobi forward-looking strategies for the advancement of women
The paper deals the Nairobi Forward-Looking Strategies, adopted in 1985, made concrete recommendations as to which policy and programme measures are needed to promote women's self-reliance and full integration in the ...