A technical report on a gender-aware macroeconomic model for evaluating impacts of policies on poverty reduction in Africa : the case for South Africa
There is a growing recognition that macroeconomic and adjustment policies may have quite different effects on men and women. The Beijing Platform for Action from the 1995 Fourth United Nations World Conference on Women ...
Gender net : women's economic rights in Africa-examining the challenge
The global review of the implementation of the Beijing commitments (Beijing +10) showed that some progress towards gender equality has been made, albeit patchy and uneven in some areas. Since then, the discussion of gender ...
A Technical report on a gender-aware macroeconomic model for evaluating impacts of policies on poverty reduction in Africa: the case for South Africa: part I: building of an extended gender-aware social accounting matrix
The African Center for Gender and Development (ACDG) of the United Nation Economic Commission for Africa (UN-ECA) in collaboration with Laval University aim to develop a macroeconomic framework that integrates both market ...
Etude sur la responsabilisation économique des femmes et leur rôle dans le développement socio-économique de l'Afrique
Les femmes constituent une importante ressource humaine non seulement en Afrique mais aussi dans les autres parties du monde. Elles constituent également plus de 50% de la population de l’Afrique et, selon les estimations, ...
Gender dimensions of cross border trade in the East African community : Kenya/Uganda and Rwanda/Burundi border
The main finding of the study is that informal cross border women traders across the region do not use available formal systems/structures for most of their transactions. This makes it difficult for regional trade policy ...
Partnerships for gender equality : the role of multilateral and bilateral agencies in Africa
The goal of this report is to highlight the efforts of multilateral and bilateral agencies to support African women in their valiant struggles. It describes projects and programmes based on
the strategic objectives of the ...
Appraisal and assessment of the implementation of the Abuja declaration on participatory development : the role of women in Arica in the 1990s, a regional perspective
The primary objective of this report is to present the progress made on the overall implementation of the Abuja Declaration and is the first review on the implementation of the Abuja Declaration to be presented to the ...
Self-evaluation of suprogramme 9: women in development 1994-1995
This paper focuses on self evaluation of sub programmee 9: women in development 1994 – 1995. This self evaluation exercise will cover the elements of the subprogramme with special emphasis on parliamentary services which ...
Guide for the promotion and development of African women entrepreneurship and their access to credit
Considering the many problems faced by women in business as well as those attempting to go into business, it is patent that the case for assisting women through various programmed interventions is both urgent and critical. ...
A Technical report on a gender-aware macroeconomic model for evaluating impacts of policies on poverty reduction in Africa: the case for South Africa: part II: construction of the model and policy simulation results
This paper reports on the development and testing of a gender-aware Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) commutable general equilibrium model for South Africa to analyze the impact of fiscal policies and exogenous shocks ...