Report of the international conference on African Women and Economic Development : investing in our future
This document focuses on the report of the international conference on “African women and economic development: investing in our future” held on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the economic commission for Africa. ...
Participation of women in industry and commerce in African towns South of the Sahara
The document presents on the participation of women in urban commerce is mainly concerned with the retail trade inside and outside the markets. ' With the development of education, it is likely that not only junior staff ...
The status of women in economic and social development : the need for data to information policy debate
The report contains that there can be no successful African development policy or genuine economic recovery without pursuing a strategy to bridge the existing information gap and providing regular gender disaggregated data ...
Developing African economies : the role of women: theme 1
Globalization is defined as a process through which finance, investment, production
and marketing are increasingly dominated by firms whose vision and actions are not
confined by national borders or national interests. ...
Summary of the synthesis report
In 1995, the UN member States gathered in Beijing, China to add to the momentum started In Mexico City 20 years earlier, to drive women's agenda forward and underline the inseparable link between women's equality, empowerment ...
Gender net : African Centre for Gender and Social Development (ACGS)
This document focuses on the tackling women’s poverty for economic growth and development in Africa. Women’s time does not belong to them. It is well known that patriarchal systems still prevailing in many regions of the ...
Monitoring and evaluating institutional mechanisms for gender mainstreaming at the national level : a practical tool
This guide has been prepared to support the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities of member
States in the implementation of the African Plan of Action (APA). It is targeted primarily at M&E
Officers in national ...
Mission report : advisory services to the national research team in Mozambique
This mission report deals the meeting looked at the MOZAMBIQUE-AGDI report presented by Centre for Applied Legal Studies at University, which is responsible for producing the AGDI report for MOZAMBIQUE. The officials ...
Report of the sixth meeting of the Africa Regional Co-ordinating Committee on the integration of women in development Addis Ababa Ethiopia 15-17 April 1985
The meeting had a role to play in the process of reviewing the problems and applauding the successes of the Decade. Some of the obstacles that still remained in women’s path in the Region included the exclusion of many of ...
Gender net : women's economic rights in Africa-examining the challenge
The global review of the implementation of the Beijing commitments (Beijing +10) showed that some progress towards gender equality has been made, albeit patchy and uneven in some areas. Since then, the discussion of gender ...