Topical issue on promoting the advancement of African women(gender and PRSP) : Gender mainstreaming in national poverty reduction strategies (2001-2005)
The objective of this background paper which was submitted to the Committee on Women and Development (CWD) is to reflect ECA's stance and comparative advantage on mainstreaming gender as a development goal, into the Poverty ...
Science and technology for development : outcome and recommended actions of the conference on science with Africa
This document contains information on the Science and technology for development, outcome and recommended actions of the conference on science with Africa, of the First Joint Annual Meetings of
the AU Conference of Ministers ...
The status of women in economic and social development : the need for data to information policy debate
The report contains that there can be no successful African development policy or genuine economic recovery without pursuing a strategy to bridge the existing information gap and providing regular gender disaggregated data ...
Liste des organisations non gouvernmentales (ONG), et des experts proposes pour sieger au Comite "Femmes et Developpement" (2003-2004)
La CEA, par l'intérmediaire du Centre africain pour le genre et le développement (CAGED), est chargée de selectionner des ONG, des organisations specialisées et les experts qui remplissent les critères réquis pour sièger ...
Summary of the synthesis report
In 1995, the UN member States gathered in Beijing, China to add to the momentum started In Mexico City 20 years earlier, to drive women's agenda forward and underline the inseparable link between women's equality, empowerment ...
A technical report on a gender-aware macroeconomic model for evaluating impacts of policies on poverty reduction in Africa : the case for South Africa
There is a growing recognition that macroeconomic and adjustment policies may have quite different effects on men and women. The Beijing Platform for Action from the 1995 Fourth United Nations World Conference on Women ...
Science et technologie au service du développement : document final et recommandation de la conférence sur le partenariat scientifique avec l'Afrique
L’Afrique est la seule région à n’avoir pas encore pleinement exploité les immenses possibilités qu’offre l’utilisation de la science et de la technologie comme moteur de croissance et de développement. Partant du fait que ...
Gender net : African Centre for Gender and Social Development (ACGS)
This document focuses on the tackling women’s poverty for economic growth and development in Africa. Women’s time does not belong to them. It is well known that patriarchal systems still prevailing in many regions of the ...
Monitoring and evaluating institutional mechanisms for gender mainstreaming at the national level : a practical tool
This guide has been prepared to support the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities of member
States in the implementation of the African Plan of Action (APA). It is targeted primarily at M&E
Officers in national ...
Mission report : advisory services to the national research team in Mozambique
This mission report deals the meeting looked at the MOZAMBIQUE-AGDI report presented by Centre for Applied Legal Studies at University, which is responsible for producing the AGDI report for MOZAMBIQUE. The officials ...