Progress report on the establishment of the federation of African women entrepreneurs and the African bank for women
This paper focuses on the progress report on the establishment of the federation of African women entrepreneurs and an African bank for women. And highlights progress made to date in establishing national associations of ...
Changing socio-economic conditions of women in Africa in the context of the Nairobi forward-looking strategies for the advancement of women: sectoral analysis of political participation, education, employment and law
In November 1989, the Economic Commission for Africa through its unit, the African Training and Research Centre for Women (ECA/ATRCW) convened the fourth Regional Conference on the integration of Women in Development on ...
African women and economic development. Investing in our future : Summary of proceedings
The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) took an unprecedented step of marking its 40th Anniversary by convening an International Conference on the theme, "African Women and Economic Development: Investing in Our Future" ...
Impact of improved rural transport on women in Africa :. country report : Zimbabwe.
This document is in two parts. Part I outlines an analytical framework on women and transport and part II provides a synthesis of the studies. Ideally, the analytical framework ought to have been developed prior to the ...
Mission report in brainstorming meeting on gender training and research : strategies for mainstreaming 5-9 October 1992 Abidjan, Cote d'ivoire
The Brainstorming meeting on Gender, Training and Research: Strategies for Mainstreaming organized by the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) in collaboration with the African Development Bank (ADB) was held ...
Report on the AD-HOC experts group meeting on leadership forum on women and peace
The paper discussed, in particular, African women's peace efforts and peace initiatives, most of which had remained unpublicized and unrecognized, since women were rarely consulted or involved in decision-making matters ...
Survey on economic and social conditions in West Africa in 1998 and prospect for 1999
The SRDC-WA of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa is infinitely grateful to member States, IGOs and other development partners of West Africa, for placing at its disposal, the database used in preparing this ...
Report of mission on : training of trainers workshop on national long term perspective studies (NLTPS) methodology and operationalization 12-16 April1999
This paper focuses report of mission on training of trainer’s workshop on national long term perspectives (NLTPS) methodology and ope rationalization.The African Futures program requested for technical services to be ...
Report on regional inter-agency meeting to coordinate the preparations for the fifth African regional conference preparatory to the fourth world conference on women
This document is a Report on regional inter-agency meeting to coordinate the preparations for the fifth African regional conference preparatory to the fourth world conference on women, of the Fourteenth meeting of the ...
Women's contribution to the domestic trade : the case of Tanzania
Tanzania has an area of 945,158sq.kilometres. It is agrarian economy based on small holder agricultural producers. This sector employs 91- of the country's labour force and out of these 75- are women. This sector contributes ...