Report of the international conference on African Women and Economic Development : investing in our future
This document focuses on the report of the international conference on “African women and economic development: investing in our future” held on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the economic commission for Africa. ...
Beijing +5 : what do natioanl plans of action contain for rural women
The Minister of Social Affairs and the Promotion of Women from Togo, Ms Tembé Ashira AISAH-ASSIH, officially opened the discussion forum. She stressed the need for particular attention to women living in rural areas, as ...
Changing socio-economic conditions of women in Africa in the context of the Nairobi forward-looking strategies for the advancement of women: sectoral analysis of political participation, education, employment and law
In November 1989, the Economic Commission for Africa through its unit, the African Training and Research Centre for Women (ECA/ATRCW) convened the fourth Regional Conference on the integration of Women in Development on ...
African women and economic development. Investing in our future : Summary of proceedings
The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) took an unprecedented step of marking its 40th Anniversary by convening an International Conference on the theme, "African Women and Economic Development: Investing in Our Future" ...
Rapport sur les activités de la CEA relative à l'intégration de la femme au développement (période avril 1990 - 1991)
La CEA a veillé à la mise en oeuvre effective de ces résolutions et de celle de l'assemblée générale portant sur l'amélioration de la condition des femmes au sein du Secrétariat des Nations Unies. Les efforts déployés dans ...
Rapport de la réunion du comité sous régional pour l'intégration de la femme au développement pour la sous-région de l'Afrique centrale
Le Comité examiné le rapport intitule "Programme de promotion de la femme en République Centrafricaine". Ainsi, il a pris note des efforts qui ont été déployés par le Gouvernement centrafricain depuis 1964 pour l'amélioration ...
Developing African economies : the role of women: theme 1
Globalization is defined as a process through which finance, investment, production
and marketing are increasingly dominated by firms whose vision and actions are not
confined by national borders or national interests. ...
Former des partenariats pour l'avenir de l'Afrique : notice pour une CEA renouvelée
Le présent prospectus traite de certains des enjeux et de certaines des possibilités les plus critiques pour l'Afrique: concevoir et mettre en œuvre des politiques économiques et sociales pour lutter contre la pauvreté; ...
Report on regional inter-agency meeting to coordinate the preparations for the fifth African regional conference preparatory to the fourth world conference on women
This document is a Report on regional inter-agency meeting to coordinate the preparations for the fifth African regional conference preparatory to the fourth world conference on women, of the Fourteenth meeting of the ...