Report of the international conference on African Women and Economic Development : investing in our future
This document focuses on the report of the international conference on “African women and economic development: investing in our future” held on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the economic commission for Africa. ...
Progress report on the establishment of the federation of African women entrepreneurs and the African bank for women
This paper focuses on the progress report on the establishment of the federation of African women entrepreneurs and an African bank for women. And highlights progress made to date in establishing national associations of ...
Women and science-led development
The application of science and technology to development in Africa remains a major challenge even after numerous attempts to implement strategies (1, 2, 3) for the promotion of a science-led modernization
of all economic ...
Renewing ECA to serve Africa better: a framework for partnership
The case for the renewal is compelling. African countries are in the midst of multiple transitions — from state-dominated to free-market oriented economies,from autocracy to democracy and, in some cases, from conflict to ...
Beijing +5 : what do natioanl plans of action contain for rural women
The Minister of Social Affairs and the Promotion of Women from Togo, Ms Tembé Ashira AISAH-ASSIH, officially opened the discussion forum. She stressed the need for particular attention to women living in rural areas, as ...
Violence contre les femmes en Afrique
La violence en général est une grave violation des droits humains fondamentaux, en particulier les droits à la vie, à la liberté et à la sécurité de la personne tels que définis dans la Déclaration universelle des droits ...
Changing socio-economic conditions of women in Africa in the context of the Nairobi forward-looking strategies for the advancement of women: sectoral analysis of political participation, education, employment and law
In November 1989, the Economic Commission for Africa through its unit, the African Training and Research Centre for Women (ECA/ATRCW) convened the fourth Regional Conference on the integration of Women in Development on ...
Violence against women: the case of Africa
The available research on violence against women allows to conclude that this problem is reality in African societies and families and that it is spreading. However, it is necessary to underline that the research of the ...
Women in Southern Africa situation analysis
The first section presents a summary of the genera! Situation of women in the three areas of focus in the sub-region using the most recent quantitative and qualitative data from these countries where available; in some ...
The external debt crisis and its impact on African women
The study's main objectives included: an analysis of the debt crisis in and outside Africa; review of the impact of the economic/debt crisis on women and their overall socioeconomic situation particularly in health, ...