Beijing +5 : what do natioanl plans of action contain for rural women
The Minister of Social Affairs and the Promotion of Women from Togo, Ms Tembé Ashira AISAH-ASSIH, officially opened the discussion forum. She stressed the need for particular attention to women living in rural areas, as ...
Report of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) on the progress made in the implementation of the Dakar and Beijing platforms for action
In the last five years, the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) through its African Centre for Women (ACW) initiated a number of activities within the framework of the implementation of the Dakar and Beijing Platforms for ...
Implementation of the Dakar/Ngor declaration and the ICPD-PA: an assessment of African experiences
This paper focuses on implementation of the Dakar/NGOR declaration and the ICPD-PA: an assessment of African experiences. And highlighted several constraints in key programme areas: creating and enabling environment; gender ...
Report of mission on : training of trainers workshop on national long term perspective studies (NLTPS) methodology and operationalization 12-16 April1999
This paper focuses report of mission on training of trainer’s workshop on national long term perspectives (NLTPS) methodology and ope rationalization.The African Futures program requested for technical services to be ...
The status of accession of African States to the convention on the elimination of discrimination against women
The principle of equal rights of men and women is affirmed in the charter of the United Nations (promulgated in 1946), as well as in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, which dates from 1948). This principle has ...
Mission Report on the ECA Representation at the Regional Forum Women Science and Technology in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 25-28 January 1999
This paper focuses on mission report on the ECA representation at the regional forum women science and technology in Ougadougou, Burkina Faso 25-28 January 1999. The objective of this forum, organized as prelude to the « ...
Declaration of the sixth African regional conference on women : mid-term review of the implementation of the Dakar and Beijing platforms for action 22-26 November, 1999, Addis Ababa
To-date, forty-seven African countries have ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. ● There is an increase in the participation of women in politics and decision-making . ...
Mission report : Sub regional follow -up meeting on the implementation of the Dakar and Beijing platforms for action: Eastern and Southern Africa Seychelles, 15-18 February 1999
This paper focuses on the mission report of sub regional follow-up meeting on the implementation of the Dakar and Beijing platforms for action: Eastern and Southern Africa. The objective of the mission is to serve as a ...