Women and science-led development
The application of science and technology to development in Africa remains a major challenge even after numerous attempts to implement strategies (1, 2, 3) for the promotion of a science-led modernization
of all economic ...
African platform for action: African common position for the advancement of women: adopted at the Fifth African Regional Conference on Women, Dakar, Senegal 16 - 23 November 1994
The African Platform for Action is a synthesis of regional perspectives and priorities as well as a framework for action for the formulation of policies and implementation of concrete and sustainable programs for the ...
Women and economic policies in Africa
At independence, most African countries had reasonable foreign exchange reserves, for example, countries such as Ghana, Cote d'lvoire, Kenya and Zambia. Zambia, for instance, was at the time of
independence from Britain ...
The Fifth African regional conference on women continues
The Fifth African Regional Conference on Women (1994) preparing for the Fourth World Conference on Women (1995) continued its proceedings today through its working commissions (commission on the Platform of Action and ...
Report of a mission to provide technical support to the Fifth African Regional Conference on Women
The fifth African regional conference on women was convened in Dakar, under the theme, "Action for Equality, Development and Peace". It was Africa's preparatory meeting for the fourth world conference on women to be convened ...
Commission de la condition de la femme
The African Federation of Women Entrepreneurs (AFWE) and the creation of an African Bank for women : progress report
This paper focuses on the ECA Conference of Ministers will review progress made towards the implementation of its resolution 736 (XXVII) on "Women and access to resources in the 1990s" which invited member States to promote ...
Cinquième conférence régionale africaine sur les femmes, 16-23 Novembre 1994 Dakar, (Sénégal)
Les femmes occupent une place spéciale dans les programmes de promotion sanitaire parce qu'elles participent, en les gérant, a de nombreuses activités qui influent sur la santé et le bien-être de leurs families.