Mission report in brainstorming meeting on gender training and research : strategies for mainstreaming 5-9 October 1992 Abidjan, Cote d'ivoire
The Brainstorming meeting on Gender, Training and Research: Strategies for Mainstreaming organized by the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) in collaboration with the African Development Bank (ADB) was held ...
Intégration des femmes dans le secteur commercial moderne en Mauritanie
La République islamique de Mauritanie compte une population de 1, 864 236 habitants dont 50.5 pour cent de femmes et 49.5 pour cent d'hommes. L'indice synthètique de fécondité est de 6,5 enfants tandis que le taux ...
Child survival and Africa's future
‘’There is need to re – align development priorities in order to emphasize the development of human resources not only as the object of development but also as the custodian and mentor of socio – economic development; as ...
Trends in polygynous unions among currently married women in selected African countries: Kenya, Ghana and Senegal
The study aims to compare proportion of women in' polygynous unions for the period encompassed by the World Fertility Survey (WFS) and the Demographic and, Health Survey CDHS) in three countries: Kenya, Ghana and Senegal.
Rapports des Réunions des Comités Sous-Régionaux et Priorités des Sous-Régions
La Reunion du Comite sous-regional pour 1'integration de la femme au développement s'est tenue du 17 au 19 Fevrier 1992 à Yaounde, Cameroun dans les locaux du Central Hotel.