Changing socio-economic conditions of women in Africa in the context of the Nairobi forward-looking strategies for the advancement of women: sectoral analysis of political participation, education, employment and law
In November 1989, the Economic Commission for Africa through its unit, the African Training and Research Centre for Women (ECA/ATRCW) convened the fourth Regional Conference on the integration of Women in Development on ...
Proposed programme of work and priorities for the biennium 1994 - 1995
The proposed program of work and priorities of the Economic Commission for Africa for the biennium 1994-1995 has been prepared within the framework of the revised Medium-term Plan for the period 1992-1997 adopted by the ...
Rapport biennal du secretaire exécutif 1994-1995
Le présent rapport met en évidence les activités de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique durant la période 1994-1995, qui correspond au deuxième exercice biennal du plan a moyen terme 1992 -1997. La période a été marquée ...
Pledging conference for the United Nations Trust Fund for African Development (UNTFAD) : strengthing the operational capacity of ECA`s programme of tehchnical cooperation under UNTFAD
The United Nations Trust Fund for African Development (UNTFAD) was established in 1977 by the Secretary-General as a response to the request of African countries with a view to mobilizing additional
resources necessary ...
Appraisal and assessment of the implementation of the Abuja declaration on participatory development : the role of women in Arica in the 1990s, a regional perspective
The primary objective of this report is to present the progress made on the overall implementation of the Abuja Declaration and is the first review on the implementation of the Abuja Declaration to be presented to the ...
Questions soumises par des organes subsidiaires et sectoriels de la CEA qui appellent une décision de la Conférence des Ministres
Le présent document contient des résolutions portées a l'attention de la Commission ou sur lesquelles elle doit se prononcer, qui ont été adoptées par ses organes subsidiaires depuis sa dernière session et qui ne font pas ...
Biennial report of the executive secretary 1994-1995
This paper focuses on biennial report of the executive secretary 1994-1995. The biennial report of the Executive Secretary is a vehicle for reporting' on the activities of the Commission as carried' out by its main policy ...
Economic empowerment of women: progress report on the proposed African bank for women and promotion of women entrepreneurship
The ECA conference of ministers requested the secretariat of the commission to complete the final study on practical modalities for setting up a regional financial institution for women and to ensure its establishment and ...