Report on regional inter-agency meeting to coordinate the preparations for the fifth African regional conference preparatory to the fourth world conference on women
This document is a Report on regional inter-agency meeting to coordinate the preparations for the fifth African regional conference preparatory to the fourth world conference on women, of the Fourteenth meeting of the ...
Report : Eighteenth meeting of the Africa regional coordinating committee for the integration of women in development(ARCC)
This paper focuses on report on the activities of the ECA women in development programme during the period April 1995 to April 1986. This report of the activities undertaken by ECA from April 1995 to April 1996 to promote ...
Report of the fourteenth meeting of the African regional co-ordinating committee for the integration of women in development
The African Regional Coordinating Committee for the Integration of Women in Development (ARCC) held its fourteenth (14th) annual meeting at the Headquarters of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) in Addis Ababa, ...
Report : eighteenth meeting of the Africa Regional Coordinating Committee for the Integration of Women in Development (ARRC)
This paper focuses on Report : eighteenth meeting of the Africa Regional Coordinating Committee for the Integration of Women in Development (ARRC). The major outcome was the recommendation to form the African Women Committee ...
The African Federation of Women Entrepreneurs (AFWE) and the creation of an African Bank for women : progress report
This paper focuses on the ECA Conference of Ministers will review progress made towards the implementation of its resolution 736 (XXVII) on "Women and access to resources in the 1990s" which invited member States to promote ...
Report to ARCC on the meetings of the twenty-first AD-HOC Inter-agency meeting on women and the fortieth session of the commission on the status of women
A mission to New York was undertaken from 7 to 22 March 1996. The
objective of the mission was to participate in the annual meetings of the Ad-hoc Interagency meeting on Women and the Commission on the Status of Women ...
Report of the meeting
This paper focuses on the report of the meeting which was organized in pursuance of ECA conference of Ministers resolution 714(XXVI) which requested that the sub regional committees for the integration of women in development ...