Report of mission on : training of trainers workshop on national long term perspective studies (NLTPS) methodology and operationalization 12-16 April1999
This paper focuses report of mission on training of trainer’s workshop on national long term perspectives (NLTPS) methodology and ope rationalization.The African Futures program requested for technical services to be ...
Mission report : Sub regional follow -up meeting on the implementation of the Dakar and Beijing platforms for action: Eastern and Southern Africa Seychelles, 15-18 February 1999
This paper focuses on the mission report of sub regional follow-up meeting on the implementation of the Dakar and Beijing platforms for action: Eastern and Southern Africa. The objective of the mission is to serve as a ...
Capacity building within the Uganda police for protection of women's and children's rights
A mission was undertaken to Uganda, from 5-16 October, on the request of the Uganda Police Force for advisory services in designing a training program and a work plan for the implementation of the project, "Capacity Building ...
Report of mission to African development Bank, Abidjan : Cote d'Ivoire, 25-26 february 1999
The African Development Bank (ADB) has a mandate to promote the Economic and Social development of its member countries. In 1990 the Bank issued a policy paper on Women in Development and efforts have since then been made ...
Report of mission on : committee on women and development (Ouagadougou ,Burkina Faso : 2-5 April 1999)
This paper focuses report of mission on committee on women and development. The objectives is to review the activities of the ACW; to discuss modalities for the renewal of the committee on women; to discuss ways in which ...
Mission report on capacity building programme for the Uganda policy force
Mission objective: A mission was undertaken to Kampala to coordinate a training program for National trainers of trainers in the protection of women and children's rights within the Uganda Police Force. The training of ...
Mission report on : regional training workshop on development and application of gender indicators for monitoring the economic empowerment of women in Africa Johannesburg 4-13 October 1999
This paper focuses on the environment and water resources in Africa. As Africa prepares for the midterm assessment of the implementation of the Global and Regional Platforms for Action, it is important to put in place ...
Report of mission to South Africa: phase II of the preparation of government's national policy for gender equality : 11 March - 4 April 1998
A mission was undertaken to South Africa on request from the Office of the Deputy President. The purpose of the mission was to provide advisory services to the Office of the Status of Women, which has been charged with ...