African recommendations for the 1970 housing censuses : regional variants of parts IV, V and VI of the world Recommendations fot the 1970 housing Censuses
The Principles and Recommendations for the 1970 Housing Censuses were adopted as world recommendations by the United Nations Statistical Commission at its fourteenth session, in October 1966. They are intended as a guide ...
Rapport de la première réunion du comité technique régional du PADIS
Le présent document contient un résumé des débat qui one eu lors de la première réunion du Comité technique régional du Système panafricain de documentation et d'informatique (PADIS) et des principales recommandations ...
Kilimanjaro programme of action on population - follow-up
Population trends have had a considerable impact on the present economic and social crises in Africa and will continue to do so for many years ahead if vigorous and comprehensive population policies are not adopted not At ...
Resolutions of the 2006 Africa symposium on statistical development
The 2006 Africa Symposium on Statistical Development (ASSD) was indeed a historic event for the statistical community in Africa as forty-three African countries met to deliberate on issues of statistical development and ...
African recommendations for the 1970 population censuses : regional variants of parts V and VI of the world recommendations for the 1970 population censuses
The Principles and Recommendations for the 1970 Population Censuses were adopted as world recommendations by the United Nations Statistical Commission at its fourteenth session, in October 1966.They are intended as a guide ...
Le cadre stratéqique régional de référence pour le renforcement des capacités statistiques en Afrique
Le présent cadre stratégique régional de référence (CSRR) a été conçu pour améliorer les performances du développement et la gouvernance en Afrique par le biais du renforcement des systèmes statistiques nationaux (SSN). ...
Suivi programme d'action de Kilimandjaro concernant la population
Dans le Programme d1action, une importance considérable est donnée a la collecte a l'analyse des données démographiques, ainsi que la formation, a la recherche et a la diffusion des informations démographiques qui constituent ...
Report of the first meeting of the regional technical committee for padis
This executive summary contains a summary of the discussions and main recommendations of the First Meeting of the Regional Technical Committee for the Pan-African Documentation and Information System (PAEIS). The First ...