Report : key components of pro-poor growth strategies
The number of people living in absolute poverty in Africa is projected to increase
from 380 million in 1998 to 451 million in 2015. Reversing this trend will require
accelerating the rate of economic growth. Many countries ...
Diagnostic de la stratégie de réduction de la pauvreté: le cas du Mali
Le premier rapport de mise en œuvre du CSLP a été publié en novembre 2003 et qui fut l’un des documents présentés à la Table Ronde des bailleurs de fonds du Mali à Genève en mars 2004. L’année 2003 constitue sa deuxième ...
Annual report 9 May 1999 - 5 May 2000 : Economic Commission for Africa
The present annual report of the Economic Commission for Africa covers the period 9 May 1999 to 5 May 2000. It has been prepared in accordance with paragraph 18 of the Commission's terms of reference and was adopted by the ...
Réunion ad-hoc de groupe d'expert sur la "commercialisation des résultats de la recherche en Afrique du Nord": Rapport
L'objet principal de la réunion est de fournir aux pays membres l’opportunité de réfléchir, et d’échanger des expériences, des exemples concrets d'initiatives et de réalisations en matière de valorisation des résultats de ...
The status of women in economic and social development : the need for data to information policy debate
The report contains that there can be no successful African development policy or genuine economic recovery without pursuing a strategy to bridge the existing information gap and providing regular gender disaggregated data ...
Rapport sur la quarante-cinquième session de la commission de la condition de la femme
A l'exception des pays de la SADC, les Etats membres africains ont participé à titre individuel à la quarante-cinquième session de la Commission de la condition de la femme tenue du 6 au 17 mars 2001. On trouvera à la ...
The challenges of the MDGs in Africa : Keynote speech
Keynote Speech by Professor Heba Handoussa to the 2007 African Economic Conference, Addis Ababa, 15-17 November 2007.
Mission report : advisory services to the national research team in Mozambique
This mission report deals the meeting looked at the MOZAMBIQUE-AGDI report presented by Centre for Applied Legal Studies at University, which is responsible for producing the AGDI report for MOZAMBIQUE. The officials ...
The PRSP process in Malawi
The Malawi Poverty Reduction Strategy (MPRS) is a major departure from previous plans and strategies. Firstly, the MPRS differs in its underlying philosophy. The overall goal of the MPRS is to achieve "sustainable poverty ...
Report of the SRDC-WA on the implementation of gender related activities in 2001-2002
The purpose of this report is to provide the Committee on Women and Development (CWD) of Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) with information on the overall performance of the Sub-regional Development Centre for West ...