Topical issue on promoting the advancement of African women(gender and PRSP) : Gender mainstreaming in national poverty reduction strategies (2001-2005)
The objective of this background paper which was submitted to the Committee on Women and Development (CWD) is to reflect ECA's stance and comparative advantage on mainstreaming gender as a development goal, into the Poverty ...
The poverty reduction strategy process on Nigeria : third meeting of the African learning group on the poverty reduction strategy papers, Draft
Post-independence development planning and policy making as typified by five-year Fixed Development Plans and succeeded by Flexible three-year Rolling Plans were largely predicated on trickle-down hypothesis. They were ...
Concentration curves and indices as vital tools for health policy analysis: Ad-hoc expert meeting and training workshop on "using knowledge sharing to build and reinforce capacity for health millennium development goals in Africa
This manual is intended to give a basic introduction to the technique of constructing concentration curves and computing concentration indices in health equity analysis. The users of this manual are expected to benefits ...
Proposed follow-up strategy for the implementation of the outcome and way forward of the decade review of the Beijing platform for action and of the solemn declaration on gender equality in Africa
The Follow-up Strategy also takes into account what the continent has achieved in the last decade, analyses the gaps and limitations that were identified in the Decade Review process and synthesizes the strategic interventions ...
Policy analysis and advocacy for gender mainstreaming in national poverty reduction and strategy 2001-2003
This paper focuses on policy analysis and advocacy for gender mainstreaming in national poverty reduction strategy (2001 - 2003). Africa's poverty challenge is characterized by the poor record of economic growth, high ...
Growth, inequality and poverty in Nigeria
Poverty reduction has received increased focus in development debate in the past two decades. Progress on poverty reduction has become a major measure of success of development policy. In the 1970s and 1980s, the pre-occupation ...
A Technical report on a gender-aware macroeconomic model for evaluating impacts of policies on poverty reduction in Africa: the case for South Africa: part I: building of an extended gender-aware social accounting matrix
The African Center for Gender and Development (ACDG) of the United Nation Economic Commission for Africa (UN-ECA) in collaboration with Laval University aim to develop a macroeconomic framework that integrates both market ...
The statistical estimation of poverty duration and transitions in Zambia.
This paper proposes a model that attempts to address poverty dynamics and provides an additional dimension to poverty for countries in the Southern African region. Most importantly, this study could facilitate the design ...
Theory and methods of Poverty Analysis
The literature on poverty evolved rapidly over the last two decades. Particularly, the body of work in the area of the measurement Introduction of poverty grew substantially following Sen's (1976) seminal paper. We can ...
Follow-up Strategy for the implementation of the outcome and way forward of the decade review of the Beijing platform for action
The documents that emerged from the decade review of implementing the Beijing Platform for Action (BPFA), such as the country reports, reports of the Sub-regional Decade Review meetings, the Outcome and Way Forward of the ...