Draft report of the seminar on housing statistics and programmes for Africa : Copenhagen, Denmark, 31 August - 15 September 1966
This paper focuses on draft report of the seminar on hosing statistics and programmes for Africa. The seminar was the fourth in a series on housing statistics and programmes organized for the benefit of participants from ...
Préparation des recensements de la population et de l'habitation à effectuer en Afrique en 1970
Le présent document fait le point des progrès accomplis à ce jour et des plans préparés pour l'avenir quant à l'application du Programme mondial de recensements de la population et de l’habitation de 1970, dans l'intention ...
Principes directeurs élabores à l ' intention des états members de la CEA en vue de l ' intégration des variables démographiques dans la planification du développement
Malgré" des efforts concentres dans les cinq principaux domaines sous mentionnes, des problèmes continuent de se poser en ce qui concernes les tentatives menses de façon systématique pour intégrer la population dans la ...
Relations entre les organismes de planification et les services de statistiques
Le développement statistique de l'Afrique a été défini par les
deux premières conférence des statisticiens africains comme l' adaptation de l'appareil statistique aux besoins du développement et de la planification.
Statistical training programme in Africa=programme de formation statistique en Afrique
The present document contains information on the Statistical training programme in Africa = programme de formation statistique en Afrique, of the Eighth session of the Conference of African Statisticians, being held at ...
Selected social indicators of relevance to Africa
Within the past two decades, social scientists,, statisticians and policy makers have shown interest in the development of a new set of statistics—social indicators. This trend is partly a response to the new thinking that ...
Outline of a Manual on Demographic Sample Surveys in Africa
This paper focuses on the outline of a manual on demographic sample surveys in Africa. The objectives of this paper is to Estimation of total population and its geographical distribution; to Estimation of components, of ...
UNECA technical assistance in planning, statistics, population and information science in Africa
The present paper gives a brief account of the UNECA technical assistance activities in the fields of planning, statistics, population and information science during the biennium 1992-93. As in the past, it supplements the ...
Report of the conference : fifteenth session of the commission sixth meeting of the conference of ministers
The Joint Conference of African Planners, Statisticians and Demographers, acting within the fraiuework of the policies and procedures of the United Nations and subject to the general supervision of the Economic CoEimiscion ...
Manual on demographic sample surveys in Africa : joint ECA/UNESCO document
This document deals with demographic sample surveys in Africa: Manual. The objective of demographic surveys may be classified into four broad groups: Estimation of total population and its geographical distribution; ...