African payments union : resolution 95 (VI) adopted by the comission at its 111th plenary meeting on 28 February 1964
This document is a resolution 95(VI) adopted by the commission at its 111th Plenary meeting on 28 February 1964.
Resolution adopted by the conference of ministers
The present document contains information on the Resolution adopted by the conference of ministers, African Institute for Economic Development and Planning, of the Eleventh Session, Second Meeting of the Conference of ...
Relations with foreign investors, the modernization of taxation systems and training needs in the field of taxation: resolution 168(VIII) adopted by the commission at its 139th plenary meeting on 24 February 1967
This paper focused on the resolution 168(VIII) adopted by the commission at its 139th plenary meeting on relations with foreign investors, the modernization of taxation systems.
Resolutions and decision adopted by the conference of African ministers of finance, planning and economic development during the fifty-fourth session of the Economic Commission for Africa : resolutions
The Conference of Ministers, Noting with grave concern that, despite current national and global efforts, the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine and extreme ...
Résolution adoptée par la conférence des ministres : conférence des ministres africains du commerce, du développement et des finances
La résolution 2626(XXV) de l'Assemblé générale du 24 octobre 1970 sur la stratégie internationale du développement pour la deuxième décennie des Nations Unies pour le développement.
United Nations and multilateral economic aid to the independent states and to the territories awaiting independence in Africa
This revision document presents economic aid resolutions adopted by the Economic commission of Africa to the independent states and the territories awaiting independence in Africa during the 12th and 13th meetings on 6 ...
Résolution adoptée à la Conférence des Ministres
Une résolution a été adoptée par la conférence des ministres en rappelant toutefois que dans la résolution 58(IV) du 1er mars 1962 de la Commission portant création de l’institut.
Rapport de la quatrième session de la conférence des ministres africains des finances
La quatrième session de la Conférence des ministres africains des finances s'est tenue à la Maison de l'Afrique a Addis-Abeba (Ethiopie), les 17 et 18 décembre 1991. Elle a &£ ouverte par Son Excellence M. Fekade Gedamu, ...