The African Economic and social crisis : an agenda for action by Africa and the International community
The speech delivered during the General Debate and the Special Debate on the Critical Economic Situation in Africa at the 1984 Second Regular Session of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, from 10 to 12 ...
A preliminary assessment of the performance of the African economy in 1988 and prospects for 1989
The speech made at ECA Headquarters, Addis Ababa before the Corps Diplomatique and the International Community in Addis Ababa, on January 2, 1989. The topic entitled with “ preliminary Assessment on the Performance of the ...
The challenge to the international community of sustaining Africa's economic recovery=Redressement economique de l'Afrique:Defi de la communaute internationale
This statement made at the formal opening of the Twenty-
second session of the Commission, Thirteenth meeting
of the Conference of Ministers provided details on the preparatory meetings, and the five commitments African ...
What prospects for African economic recovery?
The report provides an assessment of the activities, commitments and situation on the United Nations Programme of Action for African Economic Recovery and Development, 1986-1990 (UN-PAAERD). This programme
recorded the ...
Some reflections on Nigeria's economic performance since independence and thoughts on future prospects
Some reflections on Nigeria's economic performance since independence and thoughts on future prospects By Adedeji, Adebayo Executive secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa at the Silver Jubilee ...
Statement by Professor Adebayo Adedeji United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA and Chairman of the UN Inter-Agency task force on the follow-up on the implementation of the UN programme of action at the regional level: at the opening session of the fifth meeting of the task force (Washington D.C.,22-23 February 1988)
Statement by Professor Adebayo Adedeji United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA and Chairman of the UN Inter-Agency task force on the follow-up on the implementation of the UN programme of ...
A review of the state of the African economies and of the activities of the Economic Commission for Africa between June 1985 and July 1986=Examen de la situation économique des pays africains et des activités de la commission économique pour l'Afrique entre juillet 1985 et juin 1986
The session was also preoccupied with various other issues pertaining to efforts being made towards the accelerated attainment of collective self-reliance and self-sustainment through the promotion of regional and interregional ...
The performance of the African economy in 1989 and prospects for 1990 : a preliminary assessment and forecast
This preliminary assessment of the performance of the African economy is of special significance because we have, mercifully, witnessed not just the end of a year but also the end of a decade. Thus, as we say farewell to ...