A preliminary assessment of the performance of the African economy in 1987 and prospects for 1988
The report provides an assessment of the activities, commitments and situation on the United Nations Programme of Action for African Economic Recovery and Development, 1986-1990 (UN-PAAERD). This programme
recorded the ...
Towards a solution to Africa's debt problem
This Report was presented at the fifth Afro-Latin American
seminar on External Debt in Africa and Latin America
on the, 2-3 August 1989, in Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt. The report indicated that the debt and debt ...
The Monrovia strategy and the Lagos plan of action for African development- Five years after
This paper presented at the ECA/Dalhousie University Conference on the Lagos Plan of Action and Africa’s future International Relations: projections and implications
for policy-makers, in Canada, from November 2-4, 1984. ...
The African Economic and social crisis : an agenda for action by Africa and the International community
The speech delivered during the General Debate and the Special Debate on the Critical Economic Situation in Africa at the 1984 Second Regular Session of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, from 10 to 12 ...
Intra-African economic penetration co-operation and integration : progress, problem and preventative in the light of the final act of Lagos
The paper presented at the joint conference prepared by ECA and Dalhousie University on the Lagos Plan of Action and Africa’s future international relations from November 2 to 4,1984.The working document primarily
focuses ...
L'évolution de la stratégie de Monrovia et du Plan d'Action de Lagos: une conception régionale de la décolonisation économique.
Ce document présente la conception régionale de la décolonisation économique proposée par M. Adebayo Adedji. Selon lui, des nouvelles idées et de nouvelles façons de voir sont nécessaires pour l’Afrique. Il appelle alors ...
A preliminary assessment of the performance of the African economy in 1988 and prospects for 1989
The speech made at ECA Headquarters, Addis Ababa before the Corps Diplomatique and the International Community in Addis Ababa, on January 2, 1989. The topic entitled with “ preliminary Assessment on the Performance of the ...
Autarcie collective dans l’Afrique en développement: portée, perspectives et problèmes
Le sommet des chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement, qui fera époque, était lui-même l’aboutissement de trois années de planification soigneuse et d’activités diplomatiques intenses de la paix des deux pays-la République Fédérale ...