Africa : the socio-economic impact of HIV/AIDS
This paper explores the development impacts of HIV/AIDS on
African societies as well as their likely future ramifications. The paper concludes with a brief outline of the anticipated contribution of the Commission on ...
Management of Africa's external debt: an issues paper by ECA to the high-level UN advisory group on resource flows to Africa
This paper focuses on management of Africa’s external debt. It’s an issues paper by ECA to the high-level UN advisory group on resource flows to Africa. A preliminary review of the implementation of the United Nations ...
The external debt crisis and its impact on African women
The study's main objectives included: an analysis of the debt crisis in and outside Africa; review of the impact of the economic/debt crisis on women and their overall socioeconomic situation particularly in health, ...
Contribution de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique au rapport du Secrétaire général de 2014 sur la mise en oeuvre du Programme d’action d’Istanbul
La quatrième Conférence des Nations Unies sur les pays les moins avancés, qui s’est tenue en 2011 à
Istanbul (Turquie), a adopté le Programme d’action d’Istanbul, dont l’objectif principal est de s’attaquer aux problèmes ...
Handbook of national accounts for Africa : IV. the national accounts of Sudan for 1960/61, adjusted to conform to the intermediate system of national accounts
The present chapter is based on the national account of 1960/61 which is the last year for which definitive figures are available. an attempt has been made to present the information in such a way as to conform as closely ...
Etablissement d'un fonds monetaire Africain :structure et mecanisme, étude de faisavilité technique.
Depuis leur accès a l'indépendance, la plupart des pays africains ont éprouvé des difficultés a adopter de politiques qui leur permettent de s'attaquer efficacement a leurs problèmes monétaires et financiers chroniques. ...
Addis Ababa declaration on UNCTAD IX
Among the development challenges facing many African countries, the most pressing are eradication of poverty, human resource development and the transformation of the productive structures of their economies, including the ...
The impacts of HIV/AIDS on families and communities in Africa
This paper outlines the major impacts of HIV/AIDS on the social and economic structures of households and communities in sub-Saharan Africa. It continues with a discussion of some of the most significant responses, some ...
The new partnership for Africa's development (NEPAD)
This New Partnership for Africa's Development is a pledge by African leaders, based on a common vision and a firm and shared conviction, that they have a pressing duty to eradicate poverty and to place their countries, ...
Fonds d'affectation spéciale des Nations Unies pour le développement de I 'Afrique : hier et demain
La crise économique persistante qui sévit en Afrique est de nature structurelle. Elle se caractérise par la désagrégation des infrastructures et des outils de production. La production agricole, plus particulièrement ...