Le Fonds de développement pour les pays et territoires d'outre-mer: note d'information préparée par le Secrétariat
Le traité de Rome et la Convention annexe d’application, analyses dans la note sur “Les incidences de la Communauté économique européenne sur le commerce africain”, ne précisent que quelques principales en ce qui concerne ...
Exposé du Ghana concernant le programme de développement communautaire
Le développement communautaire au Ghana est mené à bien par Le Département de la protection sociale et du développement communautaire, lequel relève du Ministre de la santé et de la protection sociale. Sous sa forme ...
A Manual for economic and functional classification of government transactions
This manual presents two classification schemes, which are designed to provide meaningful data on government transactions - data essential to the making of economic and social policy. The first scheme - the economic ...
Report by the Executive Secretary on his exploration of means of aiding governments in North Africa to develop their esparto grass reserves
In accordance with paragraph 44 of the Report of the First Session E/CN.14/18, the Executive Secretary has prepared the following brief report for the information of the Second Session of the Economic Commission for Africa, ...
Economic survey of Africa since 1950
This report analyses the economic structure of African countries and deal generally with patterns of economic development in those countries. Against this background the growth of economic activity since 1950 in the main ...
Uganda statement on community development programme
This paper focuses on the provisional agenda item Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. On the theme of Uganda statement on community development programme. The portfolio of t h e Ministers of Social Development includes the community ...
Statistics in the Sudan: the past, the present and the future
This paper focuses on the statistics in the Sudan the past, the present and the future. The paper also asked for information about statistical progress in the Sudan; the plans for the future; and difficulties being experience. ...
Développement des statistiques officielles du Ghana : mémoire rédige par la délégation du Ghana
La presente étude a pour objet d'exposer le rôle du Bureau de statistique du Gouvernement du Ghana et de donner un aperçue de la manière dont il pourrait être développé de fournir à l’avenir les renseignements nécessaires ...
Summary of current programmes of the United Nations and specialized agencies relating to Africa : prepared by the secretariat
The paper is organized according to main areas of work, indicating in each area the more important studies, reports and other economic and social activities, including current technical assistance and UNICES programmes. ...
Summary records : first thirteen meetings 29 December 1958 to 6 January 1959
The records include the corrections to the provisional summary records as 1wquested by delegations. For a summary account of the proceedings, see the Report of the First Session of the Commission (E/CN.14/l8), Part II. A ...