Best practices in regional integration in Africa
Regional integration remains a key strategy for advancing Africa’s socio-economic endeavours. Regional integration, which refers to the unification of nation States, provides the countries with large
economies of scale, ...
Public-private partnerships in Africa's energy sector : challenges best practices and emerging trends
This paper is designed to be a key early output of the PPP-related activities of GPAD’s 2010-2011 Work Programme, which in turn is part of a broader mandate of the UNECA to promote private sector and enterprise development ...
Compendium of best practices on gender mainstreaming:Engendering national budgets:the case of Tanzania
In this report, gender-sensitive budgeting will be used interchangeably with gender budget initiative (GBI) to reflect the reality in Tanzania, the main focus of this report. The impetus for examining the differential ...
Capturing the 21st Century: African Peer Review (APRM) Best Practices and Lessons Learned
A newly published study by the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) seeks to respond to key questions about the relevance of the Africa Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), on the margins of the ongoing celebrations to commemorate ...
Case study on best practices aimed at popularizing micro-financing
The practice of micro-finance for the poor has evolved from a credit base, expanding into a range of other financial services that poor people need to pull themselves out of poverty and into the mainstream of development. ...
Technology parks, incubation centers, centers of excellence best practices & business model development northern and southern regions of Africa: report
During the last decade, African countries have embarked on projects for the creation of science and technology parks, business incubators and centres of excellence with the aim of spurring and sustaining economic growth, ...
Best practices of public-private sector partnership for improving the enabling business environment and support services
The trend towards market-oriented economic development gives an increasingly prominent recognition of the private sector as the engine for economic growth and development. The State on the other hand is more and more been ...
Best practices in private sector financing of infrastructure project (draft)
Development specialists see infrastructure as a priority condition for economic growth and development, since it has direct effect on the size and quality of investments, competitiveness and the nation's wealth. This point ...