Parcourir Macroeconomic policy par date de publication
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Foreign trade statistics for Africa=Statistiques africaines du commercé extérieur: direction of trade = échanges par pays“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. (.). Foreign trade statistics for Africa=Statistiques africaines du commercé extérieur: direction of trade = échanges par pays. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
Mainstreaming trade in national development strategies: an issue paper“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. (.). Mainstreaming trade in national development strategies: an issue paper. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
L'Attelier pour Hauts Foncitionnaires sur l'étude de l'impact des réformes de la Gestion du Secteur Publique en Afrique: Eléments de politique d'assainissement des effectifs et de restructuration de la fonction publique Congolaise“Koyo, Jean Prosper; Nations Unies. Commission économique pour l'Afrique (.). L'Attelier pour Hauts Foncitionnaires sur l'étude de l'impact des réformes de la Gestion du Secteur Publique en Afrique: Eléments de politique d'assainissement des effectifs et de restructuration de la fonction publique Congolaise. Addis Abeba:. © NU. CEA,."
Executive summary report of team 3 on the rationalization and harmonization of ECA-sponsored institutions“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. (.). Executive summary report of team 3 on the rationalization and harmonization of ECA-sponsored institutions. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
Models and policy: the dialogue between model builder and planner“Kornai, János.; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. African Institute for Economic Development and Planning(IDEP) (182). Models and policy: the dialogue between model builder and planner. Dakar. © UN. IDEP."
Summaries of economic data: Dahomey“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. (197-01). Summaries of economic data: Dahomey. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
Africa the past three decades:an evaluation“Amin, Samir; (975-08). Africa the past three decades:an evaluation. Dakar. © UN. IDEP."
Report of the sixth meeting of the Technical Committee of Experts: organization of the meeting“United Nations. Economic and Social Council; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa.; United Nations. Economic and Social Council (977-04). Report of the sixth meeting of the Technical Committee of Experts: organization of the meeting. UN. ECA Conference of Ministers (4th: 1977, Feb. 24 - Mar. 3 : Kinshasa , Congo); UN. ECA (13th session: 1977, Feb. 24-Mar. 03 : Kinshasa). Addis Ababa :. © UN. ECA,."
A Manual for economic and functional classification of government transactions“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. (1958). A Manual for economic and functional classification of government transactions. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
Reclassification of government expenditures and receipts in selected countries“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa.; United Nations (1958). Reclassification of government expenditures and receipts in selected countries. New York :. © UN. ECA,."
Document d'information sur le programme élargi d'assistance technique des Nations Unies en Afrique“Nations Unies. Commission Economique pour l'Afrique (1958). Document d'information sur le programme élargi d'assistance technique des Nations Unies en Afrique. NU. CEA(1ème Session :1958, 26 novembre :Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). Addis Abeba. © NU. CEA,."
Mandat de la Commission Economique pour l'Afrique: résolution 671 A (XXV) adoptée par le Conseil Economique et Social à sa 17ème séance, tenue le 29 avril 1958, et modifiée par le Conseil à sa vingt-sixième session“Nations Unies. Commission Economique pour l'Afrique; Nations Unies. Conseil Economique et Social (1958-10). Mandat de la Commission Economique pour l'Afrique: résolution 671 A (XXV) adoptée par le Conseil Economique et Social à sa 17ème séance, tenue le 29 avril 1958, et modifiée par le Conseil à sa vingt-sixième session. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
Terms of reference of the Economic Commission for Africa : resolution 671 A (XXV) adopted by the Economic and Social Council at its 1017th Meeting held on 29th April 1958 and amended by the council at its twenty sixth session“United Nations. Economic and Social Council; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa (1958-10). Terms of reference of the Economic Commission for Africa : resolution 671 A (XXV) adopted by the Economic and Social Council at its 1017th Meeting held on 29th April 1958 and amended by the council at its twenty sixth session. Addis Ababa :. © UN. ECA,."
Summary of current programmes of the United Nations and specialized agencies relating to Africa : prepared by the secretariat“United Nations. Economic and Social Council; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa (1958-11). Summary of current programmes of the United Nations and specialized agencies relating to Africa : prepared by the secretariat. UN. ECA (1st session : 1958, Nov. 26 : Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). Addis Ababa :. © UN. ECA,."
Programme of work and priorities: memorandum by the executive secretary“United Nations. Economic and Social Council; United Nations. Economic and Social Council; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. (1958-11). Programme of work and priorities: memorandum by the executive secretary. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
Aperçu des programmes actuels de l'Organisation des Nations Unies et des institutions spécialisees concernant l'Afrique : Mémoire du Secrétariat“Nations Unies. Commission Economique pour l'Afrique; Nations Unies. Conseil Economique et Social (1958-11-26). Aperçu des programmes actuels de l'Organisation des Nations Unies et des institutions spécialisees concernant l'Afrique : Mémoire du Secrétariat. Addis Abeba :. © NU.CEA,."
Renseignements relatifs AU fonds special : note du secrétariat“Nations Unies. Conseil Economique et Social (1958-12). Renseignements relatifs AU fonds special : note du secrétariat. Addis Abeba:. © NU. CEA,."
Communication received by the Secretary General from the Permanent Representative of the Union of South Africa to the United Nations“United Nations. Economic and Social Council; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa (1958-12). Communication received by the Secretary General from the Permanent Representative of the Union of South Africa to the United Nations. UN. ECA (1st session: 1958, Dec.: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia ); UN. ECA (1st session : 1958, Dec.27: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."
Programme of work and priorities summary of a suggested work programme for 1959: memorandum by the Executive Secretary“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. (1958-12). Programme of work and priorities summary of a suggested work programme for 1959: memorandum by the Executive Secretary. UN. ECA (1st session: 1958, Dec.: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia ); UN. ECA (1st session : 1958, Dec. 30 : Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). Addis Ababa :. © UN. ECA,."
Note from the commission of the European economic community, communicated by the representative of France“United Nations. Economic and Social Council; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa.; United Nations. Economic and Social Council (1958-12). Note from the commission of the European economic community, communicated by the representative of France. UN. ECA Session (1st session: 1959, Jan. 5.: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia).. Addis Ababa:. © UN. ECA,."