Unemployment, household incomes and family strategies for survival (agenda item 2b)

1993-12Author(s)/Corporate Author (s)
Organization of African Unity;United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa;
Jobs and Skills Programme for Africa;
Public Administration, Human Resources and Social Development Division;
Afficher la notice complèteRésumé
The prevailing economic situation in many African countries is very
depressing. An increasing number of African countries are currently
implementing economic reform programmes or structural adjustment
programmes, which are designed to transform their economies into market economies where relative prices are determined largely by the market forces, and serve as instruments for allocating resources including labour. Although these African countries opted for the drastic economic reforms with a view of improving upon, the employment situation, providing basic needs and alleviating poverty, the measures have tended to worsen the problems that they were intended to solve. This paper attempts to shed some light on the difficult socio-economic
situation in Africa, and makes proposals regarding economic recovery and employment promotion, with a view to improving the welfare of African families.
“Organization of African Unity; United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa; Jobs and Skills Programme for Africa; Public Administration, Human Resources and Social Development Division (1993-12). Unemployment, household incomes and family strategies for survival (agenda item 2b). UN.ECA AD Hoc Expert Group Meeting on the Impact of Economic and Social Changes on the African Family (1993, dec.13 - 17 : Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). Addis Ababa :. © UN.ECA,. https://hdl.handle.net/10855/16996”Conférence
UN.ECA AD Hoc Expert Group Meeting on the Impact of Economic and Social Changes on the African Family (1993, dec.13 - 17 : Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)Collections
- Social Development [6610]