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Political Conditions and Legal Affairs
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Political Conditions
Political Conditions and Legal Affairs
Recent submissions
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Political Conditions and Legal Affairs: Recent submissions
Voici les éléments 73-84 de 1236
Mesures visant à renforcer le Mécanisme de consultation régionale des organismes et des organisations des Nations Unies opérant en Afrique en appui à l'Union africaine et au NEPAD: aide-mémoire
25 years of service to African development and integration
Cooperation economique dans le maghreb: résolution 177(VIII) adoptée par la Commission a sa 139éme séance plénier le 24 février 1967
Rapport de la réunion
Report of the meeting
Statement of the third regional consultation on the impact of armed conflict on children: West and Central Africa
Restructuring of institutions for development and co-operation in Africa
The United Nations international multidisciplinary development advisory teams and the United Nations multinational operational center programmes
Renegotiating terms of independence : dilemma of leadership selection and retrenchment in contemporary Africa
Report of mission to Nigeria on the preparatory activities to the conference on "the role of subnational jurisdications in efforts to Achieve the MDGs in Africa"
Archives speeches and writings for 1998: allocutionde madam Lalla Ben Barkasecretaire excutif adjoint de la CEA
The role of sub-national jurisdiction in the efforts to achieve MDGs: final version task brief
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